ACE 2021
The Artist Council Exhibition (ACE) provides an incredible cross-section of works by those artists who currently sit on Artlink’s Artist Council. Painting, sculpture, video, dance and more are included as part of Artlink’s contribution to all of the incredible activities going on during Art Detour 33. Each member of the Artlink Artist Council makes a three year commitment to helping guide the organization in a myriad of ways, and this is the time of year when we celebrate each of their visions as a valued part of helping to grow the impact of Artlink throughout the greater metro Pheonix area and beyond.
Artlink Artist Council: Kenaim Al-Shatti, Laura Spalding Best, Joan Baron, Diana Calderon, Ruby Farias, Daniel Funkhouser, Magda Gluszek, Liliana Gomez, Abbey Messmer, Douglas Miles, Nicole Lyn Olson, Rembrandt Quiballo, Patricia Sannit, Katharine Leigh Simpson, Marilyn Szabo and Tricee Thomas.